Thoughts of Bishop
Our Father in Heaven is All and in all and is better that any word!
The law of Moses did not save anyone at any time. Our savior is Jesus and His death of the cross is the only way to redeem us. We are baptized into His death, and we are resurrected with Him. We are a new creation. We are now spiritual, and our mortal body is dead to the law. We are free! Our Father in Heaven is my Love and I am not under the law. The Law is powerless to condemn me or any that are in the Spirit. It is 100% Grace plus nothing.

Bishop Ray Taylor, Gnostic studies, Early Christian doctrine, Critic and Scholar of New Testament. Marcion original Bible 140 A.D Sethian Gnostic. Rejecting the Torah and AKA the Old Testament. Trusting in the death, burial & Resurrection of Jesus Christ alone. Calling on Abba Father as His son. Spritually alive .